
Sunday, February 5, 2017

FASD News - 5/2017

Irish Medical Times (Ireland) - Ireland nears highest global rate of fetal alcohol syndrome
Ireland has one of the highest prevalence rates of fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) worldwide as a result of women drinking during pregnancy, a new study has revealed.
The Scottish Sun (Scotland) - We ask two mums who both drank alcohol while pregnant whether it is OK to booze when you’re expecting
BRITISH mums-to-be are among the booziest in Europe, with four out of ten continuing to drink while expecting. Only Ireland, Denmark and Belarus are worse, according to a new study published in The Lancet.
Outbreak News Today - Podcast: Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, Lyme geographical distribution
During the first half, Svetlana Popova, PhD, Senior Scientist at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health’s Institute for Mental Health Policy Research in Toronto joined me to discuss a new study published in The Lancet Global Health about Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) and the first-ever estimates of the proportion of women who drink during pregnancy.
Pacific Daily News - Plan ahead for a healthy baby
Not all birth defects are genetic, and by following your health care provider’s guidelines and staying healthy, many are preventable.
Nelson Star (Canada) - Mothers of people with FASD need recognition and more services
I would like to give my sincere gratitude to Karri for having had the courage to come forward and share her difficult journey with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD).

CANFASD Connect - Welcome to CanFASD Connect!
The Canada FASD Research Network (CanFASD) is pleased to announce our new blog, CanFASD Connect. We’ve created this space for sharing research and policy about FASD, and engaging and interacting with our partners and followers about important issues in the field.
Turning Leaf Community Support Services Inc - Help for people with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome in Manitoba & Saskatchewan Jessica's Story
Jessica’s mother drank heavily when pregnant. Jessica looks like every other girl, but her doctor says she can only make the decisions of a child.
PolicyWise - FASD Panel: A guided discussion on how findings from the study impacted policy, program and service delivery in the area of FASD
The FASD Panel included Dr. Gail Andrew, Clinician, Alberta Health Services - An expert in FASD diagnostic assessments and actively involved in many research projects; Darcy Fleming, Team Lead, Performance Management, Alberta Human Services – A family support for children with disabilities expert; Janice Penner, Manager, Disability Supports Program Development, Alberta Human Services – Co-Chair of the FASD Cross-Ministry Committee; and Dr. Christine Werk, Research Scientist, PolicyWise for Children & Families – Led the analysis of the FASD data
PolicyWise - Research with an Impact on Policy Panel
Featuring FASD and Homelessness in Calgary, Alberta in 2015 with Dorothy Badry, PhD, Associate Professor, Academic Lead-Working with Homeless Populations, Faculty of Social Work, University of Calgary; Beyond The Hurt: A Bullying Prevention Program with Wendy Hoglund...

Journal of Pediatric Neuropsychology - Prevention and Intervention for FASD in Poland
The aims of this study are to analyze previous activities undertaken in Poland in the field of prevention and intervention of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) and to identify the main directions of development of this issue for the future.
Advances in Pediatric Research - The essential role of growth deficiency in the diagnosis of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder
Laboratory studies confirm prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) causes growth deficiency (GD). GD has traditionally been a core diagnostic feature of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD), but was removed from the Canadian and Australian FASD diagnostic guidelines in 2016.
International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling - Development of a Clinical Practice Model for Serving Clients with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
There is a lack of systematic research on the training of clinicians toward providing counselling services and support to individuals with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD).
Journal of Pediatric Neuropsychology - Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders: a Case Study
This case study provides an introduction to fetal alcohol spectrum disorders, diagnostic issues, a detailed description of the individual’s history, presenting symptoms, neuropsychological test results, and an integrated summary.
Journal of Pediatric Neuropsychology - Understanding Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders in China
This article will review issues relating to FASD in China, which is the most populated country in the world. Information on the epidemiology of alcohol use during pregnancy, particularly as it relates to the unique cultural aspects of China, is provided.
Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions - Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Information Dissemination by Health Care Professions
Findings of this study indicate that the information disseminated by health care professionals is not always in keeping with this understanding.
The Journal of Pediatrics - Abnormal Eating Behaviors Are Common in Children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
Abnormal eating patterns are common in children with FASD and may contribute to their delayed growth and nutritional inadequacies. Their poor satiety may reflect poor impulse control.
Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions - “How Could I Have Done This?” Thoughts of Mothers of Children with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
Biological mothers of children with fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) must cope with the struggles of parenting a child with special needs with the knowledge that their children’s problems are due to their alcohol use during pregnancy.
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder is a permanent disorder resulting from prenatal alcohol exposure. This disorder consists of an array of cognitive and adaptive functioning impairments, many of which may increase the risk for confabulation.
Neurobehavioral Disorder Associated With Prenatal Alcohol Exposure
This Special Article outlines clinical implications and guidelines for pediatric medical home clinicians to identify, diagnose, and refer children regarding neurobehavioral disorder associated with prenatal exposure.
Alcoholism - Prenatal Alcohol Consumption Between Conception and Recognition of Pregnancy
Current estimates of the rates of alcohol-exposed pregnancies may underestimate prenatal alcohol exposure if alcohol consumption in early trimester 1, prior to awareness of pregnancy, is not considered.
Prenatal Alcohol Exposure (PAE) has been associated with children’s externalizing problems (e.g., D’Onofrio et al.,2007); however, it remains unclear whether low/moderate PAE has a meaningful effect on children’s outcomes.

Kouvolan Sanomat (Finland) - FASD-lasten tilanne kestämätön — katso äidin alkoholismin vaurioittaman naisen haastattelu
FASD-lapsia ei osata tunnistaa ja heille on apua tarjolla sekalaisesti. Tilanne on sama koko maassa, myös Kymenlaaksossa.
Kinderaerzte-im-Netz (Germany) - Weltweit werden jährlich schätzungsweise 119.000 Kinder mit einer Fetalen Alkoholspektrum-Störung geboren
Eine kanadische Studie des Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH), die in „The Lancet Global Health“ veröffentlicht wurde, kommt zu dem Schluss, dass pro Jahr auf der Welt fast 120.000 Kinder mit Gesundheitsschäden geboren werden, weil ihre Mütter während der Schwangerschaft Alkohol getrunken haben.
Onmeda (Germany) - Alkoholschäden beim Baby: zu 100 Prozent vermeidbar!
Alkohol in der Schwangerschaft kann dem Baby dauerhaft schaden. Dieses Wissen scheint jedoch längst nicht ausreichend verbreitet zu sein: 18 Prozent der Bevölkerung Deutschlands finden es akzeptabel, dass Schwangere ab und zu ein Glas Bier,
Helda (Finland) - FASD - Diagnoosista kuntoutukseen vai ojasta allikkoon
Raskaudenaikaisella alkoholinkäytöllä voi olla vakavia seurauksia. Alkoholi aiheuttaa sikiölle eriasteisia vaurioita, vaikeimmin vaurioituneet ovat syvästi kehitysvammaisia, lievemmin vaurioituneilla voi olla erilaisia kognitiivisia oireita.

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